Friday, July 15, 2011

Black Woman That Sees & Hears 2004 Edition


She's heard and she's seen
But what about how she FEELS?

Screaming but he can't hear, deaf to her yelling from deep within.  
He worries more about the shape of her ass
instead of the shape of her MIND...
This mind - the one that mothered him and others
before her body learned the meaning of birth.
Man-Child they honor & commend
Woman-Child they overlook and dismiss -
because her job is so common, so ordinary...
They need to recognize how EXTRA-ordinary it truly is...
Carrying, bearing more than her weight - finding strength through the
will of survival...

Again she screams, this time points -
but he can't see, refuses to be shown - his eyes focus on everything but her.
Only when the need between his thighs beg for her to quinch that thirst.
Sad but he views her as his enemy most days, reality
should show him she's the surest thing he's got.

Bitter she becomes, because she starts to realize that her flesh
is what he only desires.  So she over compensates with the Man-Child
she gives birth to, supposedly trying to teach him the right and
wrong way to love a woman.  Not realizing that she is looking for
him to give her what his father couldn't and what her father before
him couldn't give - completion and absolution.  Bitching her 
Man-Child to become her Man or another Man's Man.

Soon the mystery of a woman is lost in the arms of his Momma.  Becoming
his mother's Man & best girlfriend - snapping fingers and looking better 
in Momma's dress than she does.  What mystery is there of a woman
when Momma shares her deepest secrets and pains - 
with an everyday helping of ass on television as frequent as commercials? 
He knows everything before his brain learns to wonder.
Can't ask questions about what he already knows the answers to.  Soon, no man 
around to show him Manhood - he begins to crush & lust after the unknown, what 
Momma has been crying about for so long - a Man.


She's finally seeing & hearing...
But can YOU hear HER?  See HER?
LISTEN.... to HER?
How can you when you blame everything on her?
Everything wrong in your world is because of her?

She can't pick you up fast enough,
Let you go just enough,
Kiss your ass right enough,
Bed you down long enough,
Get pregnant not enough,
Listen to everything you say just enough,
Smile and bare it...

She's tired...
and everything that you had the right to boast with pride about...

She's lost it...
Can't find it...
No Pride...
No Care...
No More...

She's Blind, Deaf & Dumb
Numb, so numb...

She has a book of things she's done for you -
But she can't carry it anymore...
Brother, all I ask... 

What are YOU going to do?

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