Sunday, May 13, 2012

What is Family?

What is Family? I ask myself that many times a day. This research of mine brings joy, heartache and surprises. However being the person I am I take it as it is. 

I want to know because I NEED to know. If something beautiful can blossom from it I'm ready for it. If it is information that I am supposed to simply document, I'm fine with that too.

Last night I was texting with my Great Grandmother's Brother's Great Granddaughter, lol. So basically our Great Grandparents are siblings. Here you have two people seeking the same thing - knowledge of their ancestors.

But does that make us family?

The blood is there - but does that make us family?

We can talk about names and dates and locations - but does that make us family?

I say yes, because we do share all of that, however if we leave it at just that what will it really mean? You have all of this information that can explain how you came to be, well you - but once you get that what else is there?

I think about my relationship with my sister Kim. We share parents. When we turned 18 and out of the care of our parents we didn't have to speak to one another again. We didn't have to continue a relationship with each other as we were already family - nothing we could change about that. However if I had just left that girl alone when I turned 18 I would have missed out on a lifetime of joy and happiness, irritation and laughter.

Then in the same token I meet a neighbor at the age of 14 and we are arch enemies - as time goes on and we grow up and I realize I am the ying to her yang and it feels as if my mother birthed her too then she is my family. There is no blood there but the bond is not denied.

So I've come to the realization that Family is what you make it. Yes blood and ancestry is a major part - but if you do not work on what solidifies it, you miss out on so much.

My family is a gumbo - rich with all that makes it delicious. Some we see eye to eye and some well lets just say we really have to work on it. One thing I'm blessed in is loving unconditionally. I accept you for you - even if I don't like you, lol. You don't need to be like me. You don't need to think like me. That's all I ask is that you be you and lets work at it... Who knows? Maybe in time you'll be the ying to my yang...

Greetings Getoflower philosofe!

Getoflower philosofe