Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sankofa Tattoo

This is the tattoo I got today.  I have two others that I got in my early 20's.  First one is my name w/ a musical note that looks more like an "and" sign.  Real creative I know.  I love music so I thought it was nice - then.  I think I'll get it covered up when I get enough guts to go back. The 2nd tattoo is a heart w/ a peace sign in the middle.  I still like that one.  Now I have this one that has a special meaning to me.  

This bird is the Adinkra symbol for Sankofa which means, "It is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot".  Which basically translates to in order to know your future, you must know your past.  Since I'm on a family history/genealogy frenzy - it makes perfect sense.  

The tattoo was painful, but what took my mind off of the pain is thinking of all the pain my ancestors endured in order for me to be here. All the abuse, mistreatment and hard labor this tattoo represents that.  What I also find odd is I happened to have them put it on my arm that I have this long scar from a childhood injury.  If you look closely you can see my scar - this was not by design, I didn't even think of it when I told them to put the tattoo there.  Yet there are no coincidences...

If you haven't visited my blog on my research and stories of my family's history please visit FE's Sankofa Quest.  


  1. Can I ask you how big this tattoo is. I want a sankofa tattoo too because i love the meaning of it. But i want a rather small one ...

  2. it is about the size of a post it note.


Greetings Getoflower philosofe!

Getoflower philosofe