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Lois Johnson 1964 (striped jacket) |
I remember for almost two years after she went on I didn't look in the mirror because I wouldn't see myself I'd see only her. I totally forgot about that until I saw this picture today.
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Lois Johnson 1964 (striped jacket) |
I've been trying not to let idiotic things irritate me as much because I know it isn't good for me. The main thing that always sets me off is when I feel people are being mistreated or unfairly. Yes I realize that I cannot fight the world's battles, but on the inside I want to give it the old College try. It always feels as if the deed is being done to me. I guess that is one of the many meanings of love, the ability to feel another's pain or the need to protect.
So it's a work in progress truly attempting at being Peace.
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Not looking for a father (had one).
Not looking for a dictator (sorry can't do it).
Not looking to be someone's mother (if you have that complex, I'm not the one)
And several others I can claim.
What I do want is a friend first that can blossom into something beautiful. Not worried about your financial status but need someone that is self sufficient.
With all of that said I need someone I can learn from and with as we build. A sturdy branch to my tree, not a leaf that will eventually float away.
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Excited and a bit nervous (first time stepping foot onto the state). So there is a load of anticipation going on. I've been researching my family for a few days shy of 3 years and kind of upset I won't get a chance to raid every place holding records, but I will do the most important of all of this; finally bond with the people I've only heard stories about and the first place my father recognized his hands, his feet. The first place he smiled, laughed and shed tears. I'll catch the records the next trip. ;)
- FE
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Change is good for me, new experiences, new people, ways of life and ways of thought. Growth.
Sometimes you can get so caught up in the "right now" you lose the ability to just take a step back and view it from all angles, not based on emotion but on fact, truth, reality.
I'm in a good place now... Long time coming, but it feels great.
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I'm going to do what my heart yearns for. My reasons for not doing it a long while ago is because I come from a family of hard workers so the Starving Artist look never appealed to me, but now I'm at a place where I can do both with some organizing and prioritizing. The priority is my heart's desire and finding a way to organize everything else around it.
Yep... FINALLY on the right track.
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I know this trip is about work, but I'.m getting excited about finally getting a chance to visit ATL's aquarium.
This love of marine life started as a child, my Father loved to fish and also kept awesome aquariums and a vast library on aquatic life.. (To those reading from my genealogy blog this will eventually tie together). So I've always loved fish in the water and on my plate (okay, a bit ill).
The first memory I have of fishing with my father is actually when we (he) had caught an abundance of Crappie & Blue Gill and it was time to clean them to prepare them to fry with fried green tomatoes and french fries. I had to be about three. And I remember us being at Mama's house (my granny) on her kitchen floor with a bunch of newspaper and brown bags covering the floor. He'd take a fish out of the bucket and hand it to me with a tablespoon and show me how to scale it. Once he figured I had that job covered, that's when he started chopping the heads off of the fish and cleaning them. I'd scale, he'd chop and clean.
As we were doing this I suddenly thought of the fish in his aquarium, how I could go up to that aquarium and stare at them for hours, watching them swim, fight, eat when he dropped some flakes or shrimp in there and I also remembered a time they looked thirsty and I thought I'd share my glass of milk with them (different story, let's just say I got popped and had to take a nap). And I suddenly got real sad as I looked down at the chopped heads of fish. I stopped scaling and he looked at me crazy as if why am I stopping the rotation? I asked him if we were going to eat these fish, were we going to eat my favorite Guppies and his favorite Arawona named Roscoe?
He laughed - hard. Laid all out on Mama's kitchen floor getting fish juice all over the place. And I looked at the fish heads and could of sworn the were still living, their eyes kept moving and in my mind staring directly at me. My Granny got upset with him for laughing at me and kicked him in his side and told him to shut up. She picked me up and took me to the bathroom for a bath, where she explained to me the difference between pets and dinner.
I was cool after that. She told me I could enjoy them both ways and I have ever since. My favorite food is Seafood and I love me a nice Aquarium!
Oh the Fish Monkey story... Well at three I couldn't really pronounce my name Felicia Monique correctly, so when asked my name I'd have a big smile on my face and scream FISH MONKEY ADDISON!
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Getoflower philosofe https://www.google.com/search?q=getoflower.philosofe@blogger.com