Thursday, June 23, 2011

This Too Shall Pass...

5:30ish am on this Thursday morning while I sit and wait on a cab to take me to ATL Airport to take me back home. A lot of things go through my mind. 1st this touchdown will change many things going forward in my life. I'll be on the last leg of employment with a company that I have worked for one month shy of 14 years.

When all the final negotiations went down and how they went down, it clarified something for me - I CAN DO BETTER. My problem was loyalty where there should have been limitations. And to think the final negotiations ended with a piece of e-mail and a text.message, it really let me know where I stood, absolutely no where.

When the realization hit me during a meeting, I sat there for about 10min letting it register, although in my heart of hearts I knew the answer long ago, I guess I just needed that final crack to let it really hit the core.

I got up from the meeting grabbing my belongings as quietly as I could, no one in the meeting could be all the wiser and I went back to my room. Sat on the toilet and I admit to shedding some tears for about three minutes. No screaming and hollering "oh lawdl" just wiped them away and washed my face. Went to my laptop and told the travel agent to book me the quickest flight back to California.

After making that call I immediately started to pack and once that was done, I went and said my goodbyes to the key people that I know I would miss that deserved a better notification than by a mass notice.

Went to dinner with other key people and acted silly with other key people later that evening.

As I always knew it was about the people and not about the company. As I told one of my longest friends here, I leave jobs not relationships.

So am I sad? Who wouldn't be? But I'm more hopeFULL than anything else. It's my job to make me happy, not a company. Although I must admit, the Oakland in me did want to throw up the peace sign and yell "Miss Me Bitchez". ;)
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Getoflower philosofe