Friday, September 30, 2011


In a previous posting I mentioned that I was detoxing and with that I've also been meditating daily beginning about 4:30am-ish for at least an hour after prayer attempting to detox my mind with all of the negativity that seems to be around me or the negativity I find myself involved with.

By no means am I a drama queen and if I confessed the negative forces I'm talking about, most would most likely reply, "is that IT??". The thing is, even the most minute form of negativity is draining to me.

Yet I am human and those I deal with are human as well so what can you do about it? Well I've found that by changing my thought processes about it and not judging it but using a positive shield or a positive outlook I'm actually de-touring the negativity or not giving it the power I used to give it even as minute as it may be. Although my tolerance for it is still low, my outlook is my weapon of defense.

See the picture of my plant. When I purchased this plant it was vibrant, now it has a bunch of dead leaves on it. (Mainly because I had it at work and damn near froze it to death). But since I've brought it back home I notice the dead leaves are still there, but it has more new leaves sprouting every day, vibrant, strong and tall. I like to equate that to myself. The dead is falling off (you have no idea how much) and life is showing itself and all is becoming brand new. I still have some nips and tucks to handle, but the outlook is positive and ready to live. Ashe.

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